Equipment Check

Wheather it is your racquet, your shoes, or your strings; this is the place to check out. You will find out all the information yo need to get your tennis game in gear.
How to Properly "Demo" a Racquet

Focusing how to purchase a new racquet
Given abundance of new frames available, the high profile endorsements given by pros on the tour, and the simple fact that anything new can speak interest.
Most of us who are living north of the equator will probably do any racquet changes early in the outdoor season.
Most new frames reach the stores in March and April.
So, let’s begin to look at purchasing a new racquet.
Given abundance of new frames available, the high profile endorsements given by pros on the tour, and the simple fact that anything new can speak interest.
Most of us who are living north of the equator will probably do any racquet changes early in the outdoor season.
Most new frames reach the stores in March and April.
So, let’s begin to look at purchasing a new racquet.
- It should be noted that frames do age with usage.Not only so bumpers and grommets split or break (these are easily replaced on many frames)… frames actually become a bit dead over time. Like everything, racquets lose some of their natural flexibility factors over extensive use and time. Thus, sooner or later, we actually need to replace our frames. Pros are provided with frames for free by the racquet manufacturers. They normally are moving to newer and livelier frames on a regular and predetermined schedule. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford such advantages.
- Even if you are satisfied with your present frame model but wish to simple replace your existing frame (s) with the same model … it may be an impossibility. Why? Your frame may actually be discontinued and no longer available. Given my cursory and unscientific assessment of model longevity, most frames seem to be discontinued from active production within the first two years of introduction!! Granted, some “close outs” may be available, here and there. But often times, finding a replacement frame is an exercise in futility.
- Most players on the recreational level will choose to mover to a new model entirely… whether it is needed or not. Racquet marketing is designed to teach us that newer is better. We are led to believe that newer technology provides overwhelming advantages in newer models. Sometimes, we simply see a player whom we admire using a new and want to keep pace with our idol. It is in the best interest of the racquet manufactures to have us buy new frames every year or so.
It is part of their marketing strategy… and it works!!!
The “right” reasons to choose a new model include:
- My existing frame is nor longer available.
- I have changed my playing style and my racquet is no longer suited to my new style of play.
- I am looking to reduce the amount of arm strain or injury that I am experiencing with my existing model.
- I am looking to increase the overall power, control spin associated with my game.
These reasons are viable reasons for seeking to purchase a new racquet model. There is an old adage: “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.” Well to me, this is particularly true of racquets. If you have a favorite frame or model, why change it? In time, the choice may not be viable option as the frame ages. But until then, I recommend that you stick with your stick…so to speak.
- If you are new to tennis, or are moving up from an occasional player to a more competitive player, you may need to change from the inexpensive, retail outlet frame you purchased as your first racquet.
Whether you are looking for a new racquet for the right or the wrong reasons, there is a process that I recommend in arriving at the right frame for you. - Strongly recommend that you work closely with a USRSA certified racquet technician!! These folks are true experts in racquet performance. They will work with you to discover the frame that works best for you. Unfortunately, the large retail sports outlets do usually hire certified technicians.
- Almost all of the pros on both tours have their frames customized on an “ideal” by technicians. Some will actually send their frames thousands of miles to have them strung and gripped by their ‘personal” technicians. When you livelihood depends upon precision hitting, such “extremes” are really not that extreme.
- Most private racquet retail outlets have demonstration programs. For a small fee, or in some cases no fee, these retailers will allow you to try a racquet for a day or two. This gives you the opportunity to really test the frame before you make a decision on which to purchase. I would strongly recommend that you “demo” at least 5 or 6 different frames. Again, a certified racquet technician can help you decide which frame to try. Reputable technicians (and I have never met one who was not) are not interest in selling you a frame based on manufacturer or on price. They simply want to help you find the right racquet.
In assessing frames, there are lots of variable to consider:
· Grip Size & Shape: You may already know what frame size is right for you (e.g. a level 4… this grip is four and one half inches in circumference). If you so not know what grip size is right for you, a certified technician can help you discover what is best for your hand size and given what ways you “grip” the frame. Apart from size is shape. A level 4 Head frame has a more “elongated” or elliptical shape than a Prince, which is more “round”. The Wilson frame is somewhat in between there two. It is important to discover what shape feels the best for you. Grip comfort and confidence is critical in the game of tennis. We are constantly changing grips and “finding” the right grip quickly can make all the difference in a given point in a match,
· Head Size and Shape: Generally, there are three “families” of racquet head sizes: Oversized, Midplus, & Midsized. The oversized is the largest head size; they are “somewhat” more forgiving with mishits in that they offer larger “sweat sports”. However, they usually are a little less likely to be as effective when looking to serve with both pace & accuracy. Midsized heads are great for groundstroke and serves, but may be a little less effective when your volleys are not quite what they should be. Midplus heads seem to be most popular because they seemingly offer the best of both words.
· Racquet Length: A few years back, longer frames ere the fad. The traditional racquet frame for adult is 27 inches in length. I can recall some racquet frames that were 29 & 30 inches in length!!! The marketing pitches associated with these longer frames proved not to be as compelling when one actually played with these longer frames. Most frames marketed today are either 27 inches or 27.5 inches in length. This half inch difference is not as significant as you might imagine. So, I do not think that this factor should be a major consideration in choosing a frame.
· Racquet Stiffness: What a racquet frame is made of and its thickness determine how stiff (or inflexible) the frame may is? Stiffer racquets are usually more powerful. However, weight plays an important factor in this area. Heavier racquets provide more power than comparable lighter frames. Most of the really stiff frames are very light to provide for maneuverability. However, these light, but stiff frames seem to lead to arm and shoulder problems among players. The advice is to choose the frames that are excessively stiff. Senior doubles players who are looking to regain the “punch” in their strokes may want to look into these “power sticks.”
· Racquet Weight: Lighter racquets are usually more maneurverable and are usually preferred by doubles players and those who play serve/volley.
Groundstroke oriented players usually prefer the heavier frames, especially if they hit a two handed backhand.
· Racquet Balance: Some racquets are head light (meaning they have weight in the head of the frame)…some are evenly balanced…and some are head heavy (weight is added to the head). There are no hard and fast rules on balance. Truly, balance is a matter of individual preference. Trail & error are the only guideposts here.
· String Tension: The tighter you string your racquet the less power and more control you have. Stringing at lower tensions increases power but amplifies the “trampoline” effect. The result may be a loss of control on shots hit with power or shots hit when off balance.
These 7 factors make racquet selection a very complicated process.
Again, discussion with a USRSA certified technician about your style of play, what you like or dislike about your existing frame, and what you hope to gain from a new frame with make the selection process must more efficient. Most demos are given with a standard level 3 grip (4 3/8 of an inch in circumference). You may have to build up the grip with over wrap to get a size that is closer to what you prefer. Also, these demos are usually strung at the middle range of the recommended manufacturer tension. If they have seen lots of use, the tension may actually have decreased due to lost of playing time.
You cannot control these factors, but you need to keep in mind as you try the frame out. When you do demo a frame, there is a process that is recommended.
- Hit with the frame… casually hitting groundstroke with a hitting partner.
- Then move to the net and take some practice volleys & overheads.
- Next some serves and returns from both side of the deuce & ad courts.
- Finally, practice tie – breakers to see how the racquet actually performs.
- When finish, make some notes about the racquet with pros & cons.
Demo one frame at a time & make the same process before starting a new one. This will give you a more realistic comparative framework with which judge the frame. Again, always take you notes on the racquet that you are trying. Never try the racquet out for one day. A minimum of 2 days.Try to hit with different hitting partner, why? – You want to test the frame on how they are useable with different style of players. When you return the frame, discuss your notes with someone. Now you have finally chosen one that you like & the tension that you prefer. Most competitive players like to have two frames – In your case buy one then after a week purchase the other. Then you are certain that you have made the right choice. When purchase the other frame, you then might want to adjust the string tension.
Given the extra – ordinary price tags associated with modern racquets, the effort is well worth it. With the right stick and good practice habits, in no time you will become a tennis overdog!